Installation, 2068 bricks
Issues like the increase of population, globalisation, migration, urbanisation, environmental changes, space, modern and mega cities raise the
question of how nature and the maybe still extensive free space can be prevented from vanishing, if
exactly this space is being obstructed and if at
the same time more and more people move to urban
areas? The global phenomenon of mass migration will endure with the following consequence for cities: space has to be created on a narrow ground! Is the city already densely built up, the only alternative for the production of space is thus to build upwards.
The two objects – constructed with the exact same amount of 1034 bricks each - facing each other are
expected to bring about a visual and physical
experience hoping for new dialogue to the thriving
controversies on modern future cities.
Exhibition view: knoerle&baettig contemporary fine art, Winterthur