THE END OF ... , 2015 (Realization 1)
Media installation, with sound
6 LCD monitors 17“, media/CD-Player, cables, 2 headphones, 56:22 (loop)
Each monitor plays every five seconds 35 modified TV test patterns in random order. Over the headphones you hear a text collage using various computer voices. The text collages are composed of text quotations describing the essential key messages of 35 selected doom and gloom scenarios(*).
The critical factor for this work was the rapid advances in technology, especially considering the question by taking a look at the example of how long will mankind still watch television, read a book or the newspaper, in times of being about to disappear because new media supplants the traditional media. Based on the TV test pattern the work takes a number of theses into consideration, in each of which the notion of “the End or the Decline” is open to debate.
(*)The End of ...
Democracy, Capitalism, Growth, The Middle Class, Paper Money, Poverty, The Nation State, Europe, The Middle East, Politics, History, War, Power, Privacy, Freedom, Solidarity, The End of TV, The Music Industry, The Book , Print, Religion, Nature, Men, Meat, Food, Gender, Globalization, The Internet, Belonging, Environmentalism, Resources, Nuclear Power, Borders, Sex, Environmentalism, Work
Exhibition view: Kunstmuseum Winterthur