THE WHOLE WORLD IN ONE ROOM, 2007/08/09/11/12/15
Audio Installation with CD and headphones, 5:11 mins.
I merged 211 National Anthems to one piece of music. The simultaneously played hymns are audible via headphones.
To what extent does it make sense in times of globalization to identify with a national - or even nationalistic - symbol such as the anthem? The Internet, the media and the worldwide trade, make the frontiers altogether almost vanish. In the global village individuality is being given in favor of a collective identity. An abolition of national states, territories and there borders would implicate that national symbols of identification such as anthems are no longer needed. By merging the anthems of 211 countries, territories and dependencies to a single work, the vision of a United World is transformed on an acoustical level.
Exhibition views: Kunsthalle Bern, Kantonsbibliothek Trogen